
What is GyneFix
GyneFix is a very small copper-based intrauterine device (IUD) that offers over 99% effectiveness at preventing pregnancies over five years. It is smaller...

Why GyneFix
The many positive properties of Gynefix make it a very reliable and comfortable choice. Small and flexible frameless design makes GyneFix very...

How does GyneFix work
GyneFix consists of 4 (GyneFix 200) or 6 (GyneFix 330) copper shells which are threaded on a length of nylon. A tiny knot at the upper end of the thread fixes...

How safe is GyneFix
GyneFix is one of the most reliable and safe methods of birth control. In practice, GyneFix is more effective than the Pill (0,1 to 0,5% pregnancies with GyneFix...

Frequently asked questions
This page contains the most frequently asked questions about GyneFix. If something is not clear, or if your question is not on this list...

GyneFix doctors
This map displays all trained GyneFix doctors for Belgium and Luxemburg. This way you can easily find a doctor familiar with GyneFix in your neighbourhood...